미국영화로 영어공부하기 : 죽어도 선덜랜드(sunderland 'til die)_3
2024. 9. 19. 14:32
it fillters down through the organization to all departments : fillter down - 스며들다
all of the other things can sort out in due course : in due course - 적절한 시기에
I've always had football at the forefront of my life
state of the art : 최첨단
more than anything else : 무엇보다도
take for granted that : ~을 당연히 여기다
across here on the left to 선수이름 : 왼쪽의 선수에게 패스가 가다
either you win, all the hard work pays off : either A or B , pay off - 보상받다
the ball curled in towards the post. oh, it's in!
deflected over the bar